Existing comment:
Abolish Nuclear Weapons NOW!

... It seems that I can hear God say to America. "You are too arrogant! If you do not change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power..."
-- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hydroxycholoquine works
Open schools
No vaccine
No masks

US Troops are the Cause of War and the Root of all Evils! Withdraw US Troops from South Corea [sic] immediately! PDP Peace Expedition to USA

Love your neighbor means --
End poverty & Economic Inequality
Resist Racism - End Racial Violence
Abolish War - Nuclear Weapons - Killer Drones _ ALL Guns
Honor the Earth - End the Climate Crisis
Welcome the Immigrant - Don't Detain
Tear Gas and Deport Them
Close Guantanamo
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