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Warren's Headquarters
General Gouverneur K. Warren, commander of the Union Fifth Corps, made his headquarters in this room from May 5-7, 1864.

Although other Union generals, including Ambrose E. Burnside, used Ellwood as headquarters, the house is most closely associated with Warren -- largely became one of his staff officers left a vivid account of a meeting with Warren in this room. When he was not at Ellwood, Warren was at the front, directing the movement of his corps in and around Saunders Field, about a mile west of Ellwood.

"[Warren's] hair was jet black, and so were his sharp eyes, which put life into his darkly sallow face. He was a thinnish man with a liking for big horses, and he wore full uniform, sash and all, when he rode into action, a rather odd figure."
-- Major Abner Small, 16th Maine Infantry
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