Existing comment:
The guy in the previous picture looks remarkably close to this person who was mentioned in a recent 60 Minutes piece. In that piece, there's someone who looked exactly like this guy. He's a conspiracy nut identified as George Webb. There had been a story about a US citizen who competed in a bicycle competition in China in the International Military Olympics. Her bicycle crashed in Wuhan two months before COVID-19 became known and she was casually mentioned in an article. Conspiracy nuts like Webb made up a story about her carrying vials of COVID-19 into Wuhan and spreading it there. Webb ran with the story, published her name and basically destroyed her life. Joseph McCarthy would be proud!

What is Section 230 and why do people want it repealed?
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 protects internet platforms from liability for what users post on their sites. Scott Pelley reports on the ramifications of the legislation and why it could be repealed in the near future. https://cbsn.ws/3hBcVpC
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