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On June 26, 2019, Amanda Bennett, the director of the Voice of America, appeared at the National Press Club (here with Clarence Page, Barbara Cochran, and Donald Graham), to support the creation of the Fallen Journalists Memorial and Foundation. It had been one year since an armed nutjob had killed five staff at the Capital Gazette. (After the murders, the child president, who called the press the "enemy of the people", initially refused to have US flags lowered to half-staff but later partially relented.) The proposed memorial is to be a permanent memorial in Washington DC to honor journalists who have died in the line of duty.

On Monday, June 15, 2020, Amanda and deputy director Sandy Sugawara both stepped down from their leadership roles at the VOA. Trump had finally forced through a controversial conservative hack, Michael Pack, to take over the group that oversees the VOA. This was after he denounced the VOA's Covid-19 coverage for not being partial enough in his favor against China. In a banana republic, all voices have to echo the sentiments of the great leader.

I doubt the new guy will be promoting the journalist memorial much. I suspect the child president thinks there are good people on both sides when it comes to killing journalists.
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