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Your Hand
Molded cotton handmade paper and stitching with yarn
19 x 11x 2 in.
Courtesy of artist


Tu mano

Tu mano,/ La misma que una vez me acaricio / Ahora me arrebato la vida.

Your Hand

Your Hand,/ The very one that once caressed me / Has now taken my life.

Through my work, I purport to give a voice, a stage, and a presence to survivors of gender violence who are forced to live in silence. Isolation compounds problems for survivors of gender violence who have to "shelter" in place with their aggressor. With this piece, I am reflecting on the tragic irony of what has been called "sheltering" in place, where survivors of gender violence have largely become invisible, forgotten, and left to their own devices while at the mercy of their tormentors. In the confines of the confinement, their hand becomes a weapon.

Sewing is traditionally a women's activity that goes back generations. Through both the medium and the imagery, my piece tells the story of the perpetuation of femicide. I view my role as an artist as making the invisible visible.
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