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Katherine Anne Porter
Born Indian Creek, Texas

Born Callie Russell Porter in rural Texas, Katherine Anne Porter later adopted her grandmother's name as a way to honor the woman who raised her. Having worked as a newspaper reporter, Porter cemented her literary reputation in 1930 with the short story collection Flowering Judas. The title story is set in post-revolutionary Mexico, where the author spent extended periods of time.

Porter's short fiction drew praise from her fellow literati: The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter (1965) earned her both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. Her most popular success, though, was her best-selling novel Ship of Fools (1962). Inspired by a sea voyage that she had taken from Mexico to Germany in 1931, the story focuses on a group of international travelers who are aboard a ship on the eve of Hitler's rise to power. In 1965, the book was made into a major motion picture starring Vivien Leigh.

Bernard Perlin (1918–2014)
Silver point on paper, 1946
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