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Why Harpers Ferry?
Leaving President Jefferson and the nation's capital behind, Meriwether Lewis wasted no time traveling to the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harpers Ferry to prepare for the remarkable journey west. He didn't have much time to gather his supplies and head west on the Ohio River before low water slowed him down. Lewis knew that Harpers Ferry was not only close to Washington, but also had the waterpower, the iron ore, the craftsmen and the tools to make the supplies he would depend on.

The men working at Harpers Ferry in 1803 were skilled craftsmen. The work of firearms production was divided into barrel making, lock forging, filing of locks, brazing, stocking and finishing work.
Local supplies of wood and iron ore were used in gun production at the Harpers Ferry Armory.
Secretary of War Henry Dearborn sent orders to Armory Superintendent Perkins at Harpers Ferry to provide assistance to Captain Lewis. The War Department directed the Armory to supply the expedition with weapons, spare parts and tools.
A copy of the orders from Secretary of War Dearborn to Harpers Ferry Armory Superintendent Perkins.
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