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Business as Usual:
The economy of Harpers Ferry shifted more and more to commerce after the Civil War. When the old armory and government buildings were auctioned, enterprising citizens acquired property to develop. By the 1880s, businesses were growing in Lower Town. Harpers Ferry remained a very active town during the early decades of the twentieth century, with a bank, grocery store, gas station, restaurants, and other businesses. Eventually, however, local businesses such as the bottling plant and pulp mill failed because of national competition and repeated flooding.
Once a government town in the days of the U.S. Armory and Arsenal, Harpers Ferry still has a strong government presence. Along with this park, other National Park Service offices located here also many the Appalachian Trail, providing training, and develop publications and exhibits for national parks across the nation. Today, the town's active private sector serves visitors who come to enjoy the wonders of a historic community.
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