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Dangerfield Newby

At age 44, Dangerfield Newby was the oldest of John Brown's raiders. An ex-slave, Newby had a special reason for fighting at Harpers Ferry -- he wanted to free his wife and six children, owned by a Virginia slaveholder.
Newby had previously attempted to buy the freedom of his wife and youngest son, but the owner increased the price at the moment of purchase.
Newby was the first of Brown's men to die in the raid. Angry townspeople later mutilated his body. This note from his wife was found in his pocket:
"I want you to buy me as soon as possible, for if you do not get me somebody else will. Dear Husband, you [know] not the trouble I see; the last two years has been like a trouble dream. It is said Master is in want of money. If so, I know not what time he may sell me, and then all my bright hopes of the future are blasted, for there has been one bright hope to cheer me in all my troubles, that is to be with you..."
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