Existing comment:
Reading an Old Building:
This building has had many changes during the past 150 years. What would you do with it?
The National Park Service has selected stabilization for this structure, but other options -- preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration -- have been used for other buildings throughout the park.

The closed-in window in front of you provides an opportunity to test your options.
Preservation -- Make no changes from current appearance.
Stabilization -- Do not change form but repoint mortar joints to ensure weather resistance.
Rehabilitation -- Install a completely new interior wall and block former window completely. Interior becomes office space or modern exhibit.
Restoration -- Reopen window, making it the same size and appearance as other windows. Interior becomes 1850s shop exhibit.

1. Master Armorer's House . . .Preserved
2. This, the Tearney, Building Stabilized
3. John Brown museum.....Rehabilitated
4. Harper House........Restored
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