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How's the View?

On a clear day you can easily see Mount Trumbull just above the western horizon, 62 miles (99 km) away. Most days, haze makes spotting this distant landmark difficult. Sadly, most of this haze is human-caused. It can be a plume from a local forest fire, but usually haze is pollution from urban and industrial areas hundreds of miles to the south and west, and even from Asia.

In high concentrations, these pollutants can injure park ecosystems and human health. To protect the canyon views, the park has been monitoring air quality since the 1970s. The good news is that the park's clearest days have gotten clearer in recent years. The bad news is that the haziest days have stayed about the same.

Most of Grand Canyon's air pollution comes from distant sources, ignoring human boundary lines. If you help clean up the air at home, you help clear Grand Canyon's view.

How does Grand Canyon look today? Can you see Mount Trumbull? Are the canyon's formations sharp and colorful? How does it compare to the clarity of air you have at home?
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