Existing comment:
People have lived here for over 10,000 years
Today, at least 12 Native American tribes think of Grand Canyon as part of their homeland. The canyon's grandeur attracts millions of visitors each year from all over the world.

Find 150 years ago:
John Wesley Powell led the first geologic exploration through Grand Canyon in 1869.

Find 1,000 years ago:
Ancestral Puebloans farmed the canyon bottom. These rooms were used to store their crops.

Find 4,000 years ago:
Paleo-Indians made split-twig figures. These 4,000-year-old figurines have been found in caves. They are some of the oldest human-made artifacts in Grand Canyon.

Find 10,000 years ago:
Nomadic hunters lived here 10,000 years ago. They may have influenced the collection of large ma mammals like the Shasta Sloth.
Proposed user comment: