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"Every morning at 6 o'clock, a small covered cart left [the city] for the fort with food sent by the families for members of this company ... a large stone jug around which was tightly sewn a cover of carpet ... filled with hot coffee each morning ... always arrived good and hot."
-- Private Mendes I. Cohen, Baltimore Fencibles

"We could see [our] shot strike the frigates in several instances ... we gave three cheers, the music playing Yankee Doodle ... in our company we had six severely wounded and two killed..."
-- Private Isaac Munroe, Baltimore Fencibles, Editor, Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser

"We were like pigeons tied by the led to be shot at."
-- Captain Joseph Nicholson, Baltimore Fenciblss

"At this time [9am, September 14, 1814], our morning gun was fired, the flag hoisted, Yankee Doodle played, and we all appeared in full view of a formidable and mortified enemy..."
-- Private Isaac Munroe, Baltimore Fencibles, Editor, Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser

"I give you joy, my dear friend; after a tremendous conflict we got rid of the enemy for the present. Baltimore has maintained it's honor... against the enemy with spirit, bravery and unanimity, all of which have been shown in the memorable days and nights of the 12th, 13th, and 14th of September 1814."
-- Private George Douglas, Baltimore Fencibles
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