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The insignificant building in the background is all that remains of the formal fort that Fort Frederica was known for. This is about half of the powder magazine that was here. Imagine that there are three buildings like this inside a star-shaped fort that's actually quite large. As the sign says:

The Kings Magazine
"The Kings Magazine," as it is known today, was probably built during the latter part of Frederica's colonial period. Less than half of the 96-foot structure remains standing.
Archeologists believe the Kings Magazine had three principal parts. On the left--still partially intact--were two vaults for protecting gunpowder. At the center stood the fort's main entrance, or sally port, crowned with a large tower. On the right were small rooms used by soldiers on guard duty.
Beginning in 1903, the Kings Magazine became the focal point of efforts to preserve the remains of Frederica. Walls were rebuilt, and the riverbank was backfilled to prevent erosion of the site. The Kings Magazine was only part of the town's extensive fortifications, but to many visitors today, it is "the fort."
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