Existing comment:
Being black in America is exhausting. Y'all want us to sing, dance, play football, shoot basketball, be target practice and be quiet.
-- Signed, An exhausted Black folk

Being white in America is privileged. Y'all get to defy, terrorize, violate authority, murder minorities, skirt judicial accountabilities and still be the victims!
-- Signed, Spirit of Our Deceased

Being white in the world in privileged. Y'all get to hire, fire, colonize, dictate thought and behavior, benefit from white supremacy and be in denial!
-- Signed, A new privileged ???

Being brown in America is frustrating. Y'all want us to mow, clean, pick fruits, bus tables, be arrest quotas and be deported!
-- Signed, A frustrated brown folk

Being White Law Enforcement in America is favored. Y'all get to lie, bully, brutalize, murder minorities, receive knee-jerk credibility, and insulation from accountability!
-- Signed, Voice of Police Brutality

Being conservative in America is advantaged. Y'all get to deceive, terrorize, deny reality, epitomize hypocrisy, cuddle racial animosity and be continually voted into power!
-- Signed, the Voter Suppressed
Proposed user comment: