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Borax Mining:
Within the lakebed deposits of the Furnace Creek Formation are rich layers of Colemanite and Uluxite -- minerals often refered to as borax. Although borax was first discovered in a recrystalized form on the salt flats, these original minerals proved more profitable to mine. Starting in 1882, numerous mining claims were established near Ryan, Twenty Mule Team Canyon and the Gower Gulch below Zabriskie Point. Use caution around these unstable and dangerous mining areas.
Mining in it's [sic] more modern form has left huge open-pit and strip mines further to the east near Ryan. Public outcry over this high-impact activity led to to passage of a law in 1976 which closed the park to prospecting and gave the National Park Service more control over mining activity. Privately, owned mining claims still exist in the scenic landscape before you.
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