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The March of the British Army:
August 14, 1814
On August 14, 1814, Rear Admiral Cockburn's forces were joined by 22 British ships carrying Vice Admiral Cochrane back from Bermuda with an additional 3,000 seasoned soldiers fresh from the war with Napoleon. Their huge fleet of 45 large vessels and numerous smaller ships began their ascent up the Patuxent River towards Benedict, Maryland.
The long-awaited and feared British invasion fleet had arrived. Aboard were "Wellington's Invincibles," men of the 4th, 44th, and 85th Regiments, veterans of the Peninsula Campaign in Spain and known for their part in the victory over Napoleon. Also aboard were 1,000 men of the veteran 21st Regiment. Together with the Royal Marines and a contingent of trained naval personnel, the invasion of Maryland and the attack on Washington was to be carried out by no less than 1,500 crack troops.
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