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Salt Horse, Spotted Dog and Dandyfunk

Rules for the Regulation of the Navy of the United Colonies of North America:
Established for preserving their rights and defending their liberties, and for encouraging all those who feel for their country, to enter into its service in that way in which they can be most useful. -- 28 November 1775

* All ships provided with fishing tackle.
* Commanders can shorten allowances.
* Substitution of beef for pork in ration.
* Flour and suet in place of beef ration once a week.
* The warrant of the Commander of Captain shall suffice for payment for provisions.
* Officer to inspect provisions, bread, and flesh cask.
* One ell (45 inches) of fresh canvas issued to each mess each year for pudding bags.

An Act to Provide Naval Armament (1794):
* Section 8. And be it further enacted that the ration shall consist of as follows:
-- Sunday: 1 pound bread, 1-1/2 pound beef, 1/2 pint rice
-- Monday: 1 bread, 1 pork, 1/4 pint peas or beans, 4 ounces cheese
-- Tuesday: 1 bread, 1-1/2 beef, 1 potatoes or turnips
-- Wednesday: 1 bread, 2 ounces butter (or in lieu thereof, 6 ounces of molasses), 4 ounces of cheese, 1/2 pint rice
-- Thursday: 1 bread, 1 sale fish, 2 ounce butter or 1 gill oil, 1 pound potatoes
-- Friday: 1 bread, 1 salt fish, 2 ounce butter or 1 gill oil, 1 pound potatoes
-- Saturday: 1 bread, 1 pork, 1/2 peas or beans, 4 ounces cheese
* 1/4 of ration is commuted
* And there shall also be allowed one half pint of distilled spirits per day or in lieu thereof one quart of beer per day to each ration.

Officers' Daily Rations:
* Commanding Officers of Frigates: six rations
* Lieutenants: three rations
* Warrant Officers: 1-1/2 rations
* Officers have the right to sell back to the purser all unused rations at the end of the voyage
* Officers may choose to draw entire ration in cash. May then purchase goods ashore, plus additional live animals to supplement their rations as necessary. (cattle, pigs, goats, hens, most popular)

Menu Items:
* Salt Junk and Ship's Biscuit
* Sailor's Duff (similar to gingerbread)
* Spotted Dog (with raisins or prunes)
* Boiled Peas and Pork
* Dog's Body, or Peas Pudding
* Drowned Baby (Officers only)
* Sea Pie (Officers only)
* Lobscourse (Officers only)

* Soak six navy biscuits per serving in water
* Mash with a pestle of marlinspike
* Mix with the fat taken from the coppers where the meat is boiled
* Flavor with allspice, if available
* Wrap tightly in a pudding cloth and boil for two hours until cooked through
* Slice for serving
* Sweeten with molasses, if available

1861 Ration:
* Ship's biscuit
* Salt pork and beef
* Canned beef
* Dried peas and beans
* Desiccated vegetables including potatoes
* Dried apples or other fruit
* Rice, flour, salt
* Butter
* Tea, coffee or cocoa
* Pickles, molasses, vinegar
* One gill (four ounces) of spirits

Civil War Menus (North):
* Pork and beans
* Chicken gumbo
* Commissary beef stew
* Red flannel hash
* Dandyfunk
* Bubble and Squeak (beef and cabbage)
* Soda biscuits
* Fried pig's feet
* Sheep head soup
* Possum and sweet potatoes

Civil War Menus (South):
* Same as North, except that supplies are short, so actual ration consists of:
-- Salt pork or beef
-- Rice, peas and beans
-- Wild game and confiscated products
-- Parched corn and chicory
-- Supplies taken from captured merchant vessels
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