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Ah yes... The picture that got me in trouble with the Fonz! Being a photo nut, I volunteered to take pictures of anyone who'd forgotten their camera. It doesn't cost me anything so I never charge for a picture. Anyway, I took this person's picture with him and he calls me over. I'm thinking he'd like me to take a picture of him with someone special. Instead, he politely says that he'd prefer it if I didn't take any pictures of people who hadn't waited in line for that. He then turns to the autograph line and says "What do you think? Is it okay to prevent people from cutting in line to get their picture taken?" I had had to go back to the booth to get some business cards to hand out for contact information and I hadn't realized she hadn't waited in the line. An honest mistake on my part and politely handled on his but I sheepishly left after that moment.
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