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Translation of Hieroglyphics:
The Horns, Strong-Bull-Son-of-Ra, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, User-maat-ra, Chosen-of-Ra, he of the Two Goddesses, Protector-of-Egypt-and-curber-of-foreign-lands, the SOn of Ra, Ramesses Beloved-of-Amun, a king excellent like Ra, .... the Lord of the Two Lands, User-maat-ra, Chosen-of-Ra, the Son of Ra, Ramesses, Beloved-of-Amun.
The Horns, Strong-Bull-Beloved-of-Ra, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Men-kheper-ra; he made (it) as his monument for his father Atum, Lord of Heliopolis, erecting for him two great obelisks, whose pyramidiions are of fine gold, ... Heliopolis ...(the Son of Ra, Thutmose), may he live for ever.
The Horns, Strong-Bull-Loving-Truth, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, User-maat-ra, Chosen-of-Ra, lord of festivals like his father Ptah-Tatenun, the Son of Ra, Ramesses, Beloved-of-Amun, veritable god star of the Two Lands, who is versed in the laws and is worthy in (his) actions, the Lord of the Two Lands, User-maat-ra, Chosen-of-Ra, the Son of Ra, Ramesses, Beloved-of-Amun, granted life.
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