BGuthrie Photos: Images whose date-stamp is "20221108" Images whose date-stamp is "20221108":

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[1] ECLIPS_221108_19.JPG
  Medium (Email) (Bigger?)
[2] ECLIPS_221108_25.JPG
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[3] ECLIPS_221108_27.JPG
  Medium (Email) (Bigger?)
[4] ECLIPS_221108_28.JPG
  Medium (Email) (Bigger?)
[5] ECLIPS_221108_29.JPG
  Medium (Email) (Bigger?)

  • Specific picture descriptions: Photos above with "i" icons next to the bracketed sequence numbers (e.g. "[1] ") are described as follows:
    1. ECLIPS_221108_19.JPG: (Source page: 2022_XX_Eclipse)
    2. ECLIPS_221108_27.JPG: You can see the trees, branches, and roofs that were in my field of vision while taking the picture. The moon kept moving down and to the right; I had to keep having to move to avoid branches covering it. By the time it reached its official full eclipse status about 15 minutes after I took this picture, the moon was completely obscured by branches.
    3. ECLIPS_221108_29.JPG: Appropriately, a total lunar eclipse is called a "blood moon". This was what it looked like on election morning, 2022, as the Second Reconstruction was ending in the United States. The First Reconstruction, a period when democracy had finally been installed in the South, ended when partisan legislators and judges, armed "monitoring" groups, and general apathy elsewhere, worked to strip voting and other freedoms from the newly represented citizens. Like then, restoring the oppressive order was "god's way". Welcome to the reactionary Christian equivalence of Sharia law.